What is brand mythology?

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Why buy a particular brand?

The world view espoused by legendary brands is always connected to a physical agent. For example, Martha Stewart is the agent for the products that carry her name. These products may in fact be no better or worse than competitive offerings. However, Martha Stewart, the person, embodies a world view that resonates with millions of people. Her existence gives validity to the beliefs and world views these people hold dear.

Brand agents

What is a brand agent?

It is our nature to seek proof for our beliefs. We usually find it in the form of an agent. An agent is physical evidence that our world view is valid. The only prerequisite for an agent is that it must be tangible. We must be able to attach our world view to a person, place, or thing.

Hero's Journey Ad/Myth

Invent taglines

Brainstorm a list of possible taglines. They can be for any product or service. List as many as you think of, without editing for quality at this point.


Apply the vocabulary concepts above to story elements of this short film.